When I saw
newspaper stories in the Boston Globe
and Chicago Tribune in the spring and
summer of 2015 reporting the people of Bastrop, Texas believed the Obama
Administration and the U.S. military were coming to take their weapons, I
thought it was a joke. Sadly, it was not.
Some politicians
in Bastrop, Texas warned their fellow citizens to prepare; the U.S. government
was coming to seize their weapons in connection with a large-scale military
exercise covering several western states. Yes, the U.S. military was
preparing to conduct the largest multi-state exercises in its history. Yes, the
exercises were and did take place from July 15 to September 15, 2015. No, the
government did not confiscate anybody’s weapons.
Before the
exercise, the press quoted a right-wing politician as saying that a U.S.
military’s exercise was part of an Obama Administration “plan to spy on them,
confiscate their guns and ultimately establish martial law.”
Just how paranoid
can people be? Are there that many people who are emotionally disturbed who
would believe these absurdities?
According to the
press, Bastrop County Judge Paul Pape tried to reassure the county’s
approximately 78,000 citizens that the federal government was not coming to
take their guns. He tried to reason that the exercise was routine. But his
efforts were met with placards reading, “No Gestapo in Bastropo.”
Really? Has
anyone told the people of Bastrop that the U.S. government has heavy artillery,
drones, and nuclear weapons? The U.S. government is coming after Bastrop,
Texas? Bastrop residents are going to take rifles and pistols to a drone and
missile fight?
And then there is
the question, why would anyone (outside of the town residents), especially the
U.S. government, cares about Bastrop? The President and Washington politicians
have to worry about al Qa’ida, ISIL, the Greek financial crisis, the North
Korean nuclear threat, drug trafficking, growing strains with Russia, this
country’s huge China debt, closing the earnings gap in this country, and a
truck load of other major economic and political problems. Does anyone really
believe that President Obama and Washington politicians were willing to put
those problems on the back burner so they can concentrate on Bastrop, Texas?
Does anyone outside of Bastrop even know where the town is?
Then there is the
question of just how many enemies do these people in Bastrop have that they
need to be armed to be teeth?
The people of
Bastrop should not be afraid of Washington; they should be afraid of some of
their neighbors who appear to be hell-bent on living in an armed world of
self-aggrandizing paranoia. Furthermore, some of Bastrop’s politicians appear
to be 40-watt appliance bulbs—they are the real threat to public safety and citizen’s
rights, not the politicians in Washington.
Bastrop has
become an advertisement for the importance of heavy spending on better
education and mental health care. (To be continued)