Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Then there is the patriotism game. The Second Amendment advocates, more often than not, call themselves “patriots.” This is particularly odious because they have delegated to themselves the right to determine who is and who is not a patriot. I would ask, “How can you call yourself a patriot when you militate for the unfettered access to all guns, giving a green light to terrorists, criminals, and those who are a danger of harming themselves and others to buy guns anywhere at any time. It doesn’t dawn on them that terrorist groups such as al Qa’ida could direct their operatives in the U.S. saying, “Go to a gun show in Virginia, buy as many guns as you want. There will be no background check.”

It doesn’t sound patriotic to me to take a position that is tantamount to defending the right of Adam Lanza, Seung Hui Cho or James Holmes to own guns and massacre innocent students, teachers or theatergoers. (To be continued)

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